Friday, December 11, 2009

'Captain! she just can't take it!' "Dammit! i said more power!"

she couldn't hack it. my ride doesn't work at temperature below minus thirty... as near as i can figure it out is that the freewheel gets to cold and won't disengage after running free of the gears, must be a grease problem... but anyway it was damn cold this morning... too cold for a 5km bicycle ride... ice fog was everywhere and because of it my glasses fogged up pretty easily... i discovered my freewheel's little problem when i got to the coffee shop i coasted off the highway and down the tracks when i got to the mailbox on the corner i realized i was getting no power transfer from my pedals to my tire. luckily i had made it to my destination so i didn't have to struggle with it any further. i had yet to diagnose the problem though, but after pulling my bike into the shop i was able to letit warm up a bit i found the freewheel started to engage properly, i wasn't worried about it being broken because it seemed to work fine once it was warm... i guess the grease isn't right for the temperature. what a bummer... will i have to sell out?

on a pottery note... i suck this week, ruined everything i made... so i gave up this morning for a day... hit it fresh on a saturday when i can do as i please... and i ain't so worried 'bout work and bikes and shit... seems to be the way to make me work... have a great weekend all.

one frosty freewheel.

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drop your opinion here! did i wuss out, man up or just eat shit in a generally horrific way?