Tuesday, November 24, 2009

dang cold, deadlines coming up...

hey, hey, les enfants! pretty cold this morning -24 celsius... made me kinda happy i was behind in work and thus didn't have time to bike to work today... actually i was kinda excited for my first really cold morning but pots need to be made and it took me about an hour and a half to get some work thrown and the studio kinda cleaned up. i've been working on mugs right now and i forgot how time consuming they can be. both luting the handles takes time and so does the drying afterwards, dry too quick and cracks will cause the handle and mug to look like shite, and to break off easily. so i gotta do a lot right now to accommodate for the extended time. Bowls just chil after they're done. they're all like "dude, thanks for trimming my foot, now i'm just gonna sit here and chill out and dry before i have my sauna"... so much easier, if only drinking from bowls was more popular.

anyway i finished off all my regular size mugs just 6 waiting to be trimmed and have their handles luted. i guess all i got left to throw are some mantastic tankards for mustache wearing manly men (preferably the type that lift comical pyramid shaped weights) to consume the malted liquor (that gets you drunker quicker) who don't like it out of bottles and/or cans. got two done this morning... s'more to come yet. you know, i happen to like the ancient hop juice myself and these bad boys have got me excited... plus some of me ole mates have requested some epic tankards for their brew so i must oblige. here is a pic of a previously made tankard, the new ones will be even better i got some new ideas and i'm really looking forward to stretching a bit with these pieces.

a regular mug.

a TANKard for drunkards. both these pieces were made last year, new pictures of 2009 tankards soon. have a grand day, gangstas.

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drop your opinion here! did i wuss out, man up or just eat shit in a generally horrific way?